Juniper Grove Kelowna

Lakeside living in Kelowna, near Vancouver on Canada’s westcoast, has taken another step forward with Juniper Grove, part of the master-planned community of McKinley Beach at the northern end of the city. The McKinley Beach project has by now grown to nearly 500 homes, with an eventual projected build-out of 1,300 homes over the next few years. GGroup and North American Development Group (NADG) are the master developers of McKinley Beach. NADG is the company behind the twin-tower One Water Street high-rise development in Kelowna’s North End.

We have built a home finder for the project and added a short fly-to animation. So it’s apparent to all website visitors that this area is nothing less than stunning.


Vorm Holding en MRP Development
  • Oplossingen
  • Home finder

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